February 2025 - Dragon-Speak
Greetings to all,
We are here to speak once again with you regarding the current waves of change that are moving intensely both in you and outside of you. We have said it before, but we want to say it again. This time on Planet Earth has never happened before. Some of it has not even been predicted before because things have changed as so many have volunteered to be alive and helping right now, despite fears and crises and chaos!
Chaos is not easy to see, but to be intimately touched by its presence is very, very difficult. You are doing it! When you live in the midst of chaos, it has a way of leaking inside you so that you may go into fear and not be able to think clearly. It can bring about confusion and exhaustion. You no doubt know this by now.
We are just sharing this so you know that it is a natural result of what is being created around you. It can sink in and make you doubt your decisions and path.
We are trying to be of help to you by letting you know that self-protection at this time can be essential to insulate yourself against the encroachment of doubt and fear. How to stand up to all this? It is more difficult because you are moving in this atmosphere that seeks to infect you and encourages self-doubt. Protect yourself in any way you can. Ask for help, visualize being surrounded by shields of light, change where you are in the moment if you are in the presence of scary situations, or strong and angry beings, or dark emotional surroundings. You can have special words that bring peace and centeredness to you. Ask yourself what they are, and repeat them to yourself. Are there places in your home or office or outside that restore your presence?
Can you create some place with art or music or flowers that relaxes you? Create a sanctuary of remembrance of Truth.
Lies and misdirection are the essence of manipulation. This is rampant right now. How do you find the waters of Truth when all the signposts have been torn up?
You have heard the saying : "Things are darkest before the light dawns." This is especially true now when the manipulators hope to create doubt, despair and loss. Then you have no remaining hope left and start to despair. Then, manipulators step in and tell you that they will help YOU find YOUR way, just believe and support them. This is just another plot and plan!
One very positive thing to remember is that there are many others right here in your world who are doing things to remain strong and clear, and there are myriad numbers of Beings on all dimensional levels who are right here to help you stay clear.
Lies and darkness can seem to be taking over, but they can't really do it because they have no essence that sustains them from within. They WILL crack and self-destruct. They cannot hold center! When things seem most lost, it isn't much longer until the radical destruct process begins.
Hold on. It's beginning to crack even now. Let your deepest Heart hold you in TRUST and HOPE, even when your outer eyes can't see it clearly yet. We are telling you that it is inevitable and moving NOW.
We send Light and Love to you all. We are right there/here with you, but outer eyes can't always see that either at the moment.
Your Dragon Friends and Allies and Fellow Warriors of Love!